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1 Sept 2023

City road infrastructure should be designed for people not cars

There has been a growing movement, particularly fostered in the last couple of years in the wake of the covid pandemic when everyone was forced to stay at home. The routine was shattered, without the need to travel to and from work everyday, people saw an alternative reality in which they didn't spend a significant part of their day on the road.

Don't mention the 'B' word

The most controversial word in British politics in the last few decades, Brexit divided the nation also straight down the middle. Before the referendum was called, leaving the EU wasn't really in the front of most peoples mind, but due to a political play from the prime minister of the time, David Cameron, it was thrusted into the limelight.

11 Sept 2012

What makes the perfect weekend?

When working the whole week there is no better way to spend a weekend other than crashed out on the sofa watching films? Well no actually, as explained in this article recently featured on Lifehacker. Simply relaxing won't make you as happy as keeping active and busy.

4 Aug 2012

Letting Agents

I make no apologies, this post will be a rant. Having had a stressful couple of months trying to move house things are finally settling down and hence I am taking time to go back to the things I used to such as blogging and drawing. I also write this to reflect on the last couple of months and the letting process as a whole.

Right now the letting market is crazy, less people can afford mortgages and the competition is tight to rent property. Most properties are let within a week or so of being advertised, unlike buying, tenants really don't have any power in negotiating letting terms. If they don't agree other tenants are queueing up to sign on the dotted line.

6 May 2012

Music Unplugged

Just a quick shout out for live unplugged music videos, proof that real musicians don't need electronic aids or flashy videos to make quality music. The video below is The Cranberries performing a Tiny Desk Session which takes place in an office in Washington. What I like most about these videos is the simplicity, music shouldn't be complex and this series from NPR is a great illustration of this.

While i'm on the subject X103.9 also does a great series of acosutic videos from artists mainly from the alternative rock scene.