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23 Jun 2008

The power of the mind

The mind is a great and powerful thing, I believe you control your own destiny and your life is not mapped out. Its the on the spot decisions and months and years of activity that shape our lives. However there are a couple of things that are out of our control, mainly and this is the biggest completely uncontrollable factor is the family you are born into. The influences and surroundings you are in when young will shape your life to an extent. If your born into the poorest of the poor in an African country then there is very little that can be done to full fill potential. If there is potential to exploit and the opportunity to make the most of it then that is a personal thing to whether the most is made.

What I am referring to is what I see on a daily basis, people doing the minimum required of them to get through life, sometimes less. In terms of school work i am talking about as it is will decide everything that is to follow. There are a few exceptions i.e entrepreneurs who may leave school and have the drive to succeed. For the other 99% though education is what will make you. Kids in the UK still don't fully understand the benfit keeping on track with studies will have in the long run. Turning upto school to chat, play pointless internet games in lessons etc won't get them very far and the thing is they don't want to leave school at 16 they will get through GCSE's which the work they did do was enough to get some grades and continue to A levels to stay out of working (I.e take the easy route) but after that they are left with very little. University could be an option if they can afford it and they got somewhere. Which probabily is unliklely as they would have reailsed how hard the A levels, failing the first exams then having to retake agian and agian to look like they do actually want to pass. If they don't leave and look for an even easier option at college then they may decide to start working but with no real potential for promotion (unless they find the right employer).

The few that do it right will always feel the benefits in having a higher income and not having some of the worries that those who didn't think in school had. Its a very complex jump from school to further education or work and it is difficult to make all the right desisions. For me personally I feel i have done all i can to ensure my future is bright and i hope i will be feeling the benefits of this later in life. This also relates to my articale on positvity, if your mind is open then there is no limits its just having the sense in the first place to realise how important every thing is even in early years. Many don't realise it until adulthood that they prioritised wrong earlier in life when its too late. Make sure that youth isn't wasted on the young and find the right gear to your life finding the balance is a thing of the mind more than anything.

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