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16 Mar 2011

Spring Cleaning

glovesA unusual topic for a student to be blogging about really, I’m not about to surprise the world by saying that I am the worlds first student neat freak but I when it comes down to it I don’t despise cleaning as much as I would normally freely admit.

As I pointed out many times before, I’m living in a rather out dated, almost unloved flat. Almost because it isn’t completely unloved, there are signs of homeliness here. For instance my flat mate has nailed a 6ft snake across the living room wall, that’s got to count for something hasn’t it?

Well anyway, the flat really doesn’t get cleaned that often, me and my two other flat mates have, in the past, made a joint effort to sweep the floor and clean the scum from round the bath. However usually we just work and live around the mess until one of us finds it too irritating to bear and has to do something about it. Unfortunately that is normally me, but if it was the other way around my conscience would very quickly take over. I would feel as though I should do something to at least equal the effort that the other person had put in.

In my own room however I like to keep it ‘cleaner’, this is because I spend more time in here but still it is rarely ‘tidier’ than the rest of the house, if that makes sense. I tend to vacuum my room more often and occasionally even give it a dusting. It has been proven that a tidy workspace can be beneficial to your productivity.

Giving the room a bit of a spring clean always puts me in a better frame of mind too. It feels bigger and fresher as though it is easier to breath. The state of my room generally reflects how off the rails (or not) my life is. At the moment it’s starting to get a bit of a mess again, lecture notes and clothes all over the place!

I couldn’t live in one of those minimal homes however, it has got to feel like a home, somewhere in which I like to come back to. When I first moved here I freshly painted my room and it looked fine, it didn’t take me long though to start covering the walls with posters and pictures. A room says a lot about a person, if I was to sum my room up as it is now, it would go something like ‘appears chaotic and disorganised on the outside but makes logical sense underneath’.

We should all be able to have our own little space which is our own, which no-one else has any right to criticise or judge. On the other hand though picking your dirty underwear off the floor before bringing a lady friend back is probably a sensible thing to do!
Until next time.

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