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18 May 2011

The Art of Breathing

It's something we take for granted and it's not until it becomes more difficult, like when exercising, do most  people really think about breathing. Studies have shown that normally we only use about 1/3 of the capacity of our lungs. So is this a bad thing?

17 May 2011

It's not lost it's just misplaced!

It doesn't matter what it is or how big it is I can always lose it. Whether it be my glasses, remote control, keys or favorite drawing pencil, I am forever looking for something. Generally however I am not a forgetful person, I've never really 'lost' many things in life just keep misplacing them.

6 May 2011

Killing Killers

With the recent assassination of Osama Bin Laden for this post I will share some thoughts on shooting those who themselves are prepared to kill others. Should the death penalty be re-introduced, is killing the enemy in war less criminal than killing convicted killers?