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30 Nov 2011

Questions that not even science can answer

Today human understanding continues to push boundaries at a seemingly ever-increasing rate. This post asks if religion is still able to provide answers to the really big questions in modern western life.

23 Nov 2011

Bogus Competitions

Occasionally when browsing the web I come across something eye opening and today was one of them days. This 'competition' is to win an iPhone, with profit making competitions you expect for there to be a good profit margin for the competition holders (like the phone-in competitions on TV). But this one takes the biscuit…

19 Nov 2011

Snow Patrol – Fallen Empires album in review

Now on their 6th album Snow Patrol is one of the biggest Indie bands in the UK of the past decade. So the question: does Fallen Empires live up to expectations?

15 Nov 2011

Google Insights – A window into the mind of the web surfer

Ever wondered what people are searching for and when? Google Insights shows search trends from 2004 onwards. It also allows you to compare different search terms as well as seeing the popularity in different areas. This post shows a few features and what you can interpret from the results.