Black culture In London
I was surprised when I visited for the first time just how large the black population in London is. I think I got a greater idea for how diverse the range of nationalities are. Now after there fore-fathers had settled here when Britains borders where open. Since then the government have closed the gates and gaining permission to live in the UK became much more difficult. Discrimination against the black community set in because of what was being said in the media and because it wasn't what people were used to. Today there is a lot of poverty within the black community and this is thought to be one reason for the association with crime.
Gang Culture
Tony Blair last year made some outspoken remarks about the amount of knife crime committed by young black boys being out of proportion to others. I can see why he said these things as there is a culture of gangs and violence amongst them. If that is something that originates from the countries they came from or something that has just developed in London I‘m not sure.
After watching a programme on channel 4 on this topic exactly hearing views of those in this situation of gangs, stabbings and death. Much of it I all ready knew really it wasn’t anything particularly shocking. However what was interesting is that they too don’t want it to be like it is. They would rather get rid of the weapons and rivalry. Clearly the next generation is important to target to stop this escalating further outside the city. I know from around my area that people do get influenced by this behaviour. Associations I instantly make with these people are; Rap Music, Hoodies, Tracksuits and they are outspoken and also there ‘accent’ if that’s what you want to call it and words used unique.
Protection was probably the main reason why they carried knifes another main issue is that of friendships and getting others to respect your power given by carrying a weapon. This has only lead to a competition almost to who can have the biggest, most powerful weapon. In the current environment I believe we haven’t seen the end of it yet I believe there are still a few critical points to happen before people can move on and end this culture of gangs. Usually these points are because of death and this case could be no exception. As one of the boys pointed out on the programme, it’s no good just taking the knifes away from people because they only have to reach to the kitchen cupboard to get another one. What is needed is a national programme to change attitudes. These gangs have been split geographically by what area they live in. Why be so territorial? Why can’t we go into other areas? What exactly are they protecting? These I don’t know the answers to
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