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28 Sept 2011

How the way we listen to radio has changed

The first radio stations as we know them today first appeared over 90 years ago after developments in radio signals allowed voices, as opposed to just signals to be broadcast. Quickly after sales of radio receiver equipment rocketed becoming the centrepiece in the living room of millions of households. Today radio is still commonplace in our lives, just maybe not as much in the forefront as in the middle of the 20th century.

26 Sept 2011

Tips for preserving memories though a blog

Often when looking back and reflecting on things you’ve done in the past memories don’t always come back as easily and as detailed as you want. This post discusses how best to document memories such as those from a holiday or your time at college through blogging.

22 Sept 2011

Using spare time wisely

There will (probably) be periods of your life in which you find yourself with seemingly little to do. In the last few years the global economy has seen a big slow down, the net result of this is more people are out of work or are working less hours. So what can you do you keep yourself motivated through these more lean times?

20 Sept 2011

What is "cool"?

For some it is a constant mindset, searching for the something to make them appear cooler to everyone else. This mindset doesn’t even have to be something we are fully conscious of, take choosing a new car for example, are you buying it because of what you like about it or because of what everyone else will think about it? What exactly is ‘cool’?

19 Sept 2011

Light of Summer Evenings Portrait Drawing

Observational Pencil Drawing

Original Image from Flickr
(can't remember exactly where!)

17 Sept 2011

Create a reflect photo effect with

Here is something a little different from the normal content of All Subjects Covered. This post is a step-by-step tutorial that demonstrates how you can create your own photo reflection effect. A neat effect that can be added to images which you want to display on a blog or website.

16 Sept 2011

My Guide to Coach Trips

Anyone who has ever been anywhere on holiday will have been on at least one sight seeing coach tour. I briefly mentioned them in my post on Courage; this post is an extended guide to how to survive these endurance coach trips.

15 Sept 2011

Cycling in and around Brighton

Brighton has a lot to offer cyclists; several cycle routes are on offer around the city as well as many miles of cycle lanes. This post is an illustration of the great variety of scenery on offer as you cycle round Brighton. As I went on a late September bike ride stopped to take these three panoramic pictures within an hour of each other.

14 Sept 2011

Finding the courage to try something new

Courage is a quality allows someone to push themselves outside of their comfort zone. Normally used to describe an act of bravery such as risking ones own well being to save someone else. It doesn’t have to be as dramatic as diving in front of a bullet to require courage. It can be something as small having the courage to make a difficult phone call or to tell someone the truth.

13 Sept 2011

Rules for flat sharing

Having flat shared for several years I can give a few guidelines for sharing a house. This is particularly relevant for those who might be just moving out the family home to share for the first time.

8 Sept 2011


The time in which everything goes quiet. All that can be heard is the ticking clocks and the whirl of the freezer. Everything in sight weighs down upon tired eyes. The alarm clock patiently waits to signal the beginning of a new day.

Media: Pen & Pencil Colour

6 Sept 2011

Ways to assess understanding

Exams, no-one really likes doing them but there needs to be a way of assessing knowledge and skills. Do they provide an accurate way to judge knowledge on a subject or are they outdated? This post looks at various issues to do with how best to examine a persons knowledge, based on personal experiences as a recent university graduate.